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Posts published in “South Dakota”

District 8 Delegation Draw Committee Assignments

While I wait for the really juicy bills to pop into the hopper in Pierre, I note with mild interest that our own freshwoman State Representative Patricia Stricherz (R-8/Winfred) has been assigned to two committees: Education and Health and Human…

ACLU Sues South Dakota over Concealed Weapons Discrimination

Holy cow! The American Civil Liberties Union is suing South Dakota over our concealed weapons law. No, the ACLU is not trying to take your guns away. They actually want more people to be able to pack hidden heat... including…

Poet Ethanol Spends $700K Lobbying DC in 2010

...and Al Franken's a bargain! $700,000: that's how much Poet LLC spent on lobbying Washington to keep supporting ethanol. Poet PR man Nathan Schock tells us that's just the cost of doing business: In the meantime, ethanol supporters will continue…

Baltic Corner Supports Smoking Ban

South DaCola notes that nanny-state whiners need to take one more example off their list of ills purportedly caused by the smoking ban approved by 64% of South Dakota voters. An article in last Sunday's edition of that Sioux Falls…

Top 10 Stories of 2011: A Madville Times Wish List

Every year I enjoy publishing a list of top stories for the coming year, ten things I hope I'll get to blog about in the New Year. A look at last year's list shows that I actually got one of…

Top 11 Stories of 2010: My Best Work

Wednesday I compiled a list of the top ten stories of 2010 based on number of reader comments. Now let's slice and dice 2010 purely by personal preference. Out of over 1350 blog posts published this year, here are eleven…

Kraus: No Abortion Battle in 2011 Legislature?

The election of Republican supermajorities to the South Dakota Legislature, including anti-abortion crusaders Jenna Haggar and Pastor Steve Hickey, gives reasonable cause for expecting another abortion ban to crop up in the 2011 session. However, another leader in the abortion…

Democrat’s New Year’s Resolution: Be Good Pepperoni

My Madison blog neighbor Dakota Diner usually keeps her blogging close the kitchen. But a bad bowl game and bad pepperoni rolls occasioned this seasoned political observation: Alas here on the eastern prairie of South Dakota, authentic pepperoni is harder…