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Posts published in “world”

Weiland Opposes More Troops to Iraq; Pressler Wants Total Withdrawal

President Barack Obama is sending 300 advisors into military and legal jeopardy to help Shiites beat Sunnis in Iraq. The war-on-the-cheap advisor model works, "as long as the security forces of the host country have the motivation and basic combat…

Fisher Speaks on China, Madison Public Library, Thursday 7 p.m.

China probably built your computer, your cell phone, and your air conditioner. So come find out who's keeping you cool and connected Thursday at the Madison Public Library, when former history professor Eve Fisher will present "A Revolution Is Not…

PoliSci Research: America Oligarchy, Not a Democracy

The difference I hear Libertarians wheeze about, that the United States is a Republic Not a Democracy™, is practically irrelevant. My conservative friends and I should agree that the much greater problem is that we are not a democracy but…

IMF: Lowering Income Inequality Doesn’t Hamper Growth

Redistribution, please: So does reducing inequality through redistribution hurt economic growth? Not according to two landmark studies by economists at the International Monetary Fund, which is hardly a leftist organization. The first study looked at the historical relationship between inequality…

Keep on Blogging, Says Pope Francis

How nice! Pope Francis wrote a new Madville Times mission statement: ....[M]edia can help us to feel closer to one another, creating a sense of the unity of the human family which can in turn inspire solidarity and serious efforts…

Pope Francis Knocks Consumerism, Trickle-Down Economics

One fellow you won't be seeing at the mall on Black Friday: the Pope! Pope Francis I issues this hefty apostolic exhortation against consumerism and the idolatry of money: The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by…

Fracking Increases Drugs, Crime, and Papal Ire

Two reasons to hope the geologists are right and that fracking the Bakken won't expand from North Dakota to South Dakota: 1. The feds just designated Williams County, at the heart of the North Dakota oil patch as a "High…