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Posts published in “world”

Danes Love Moms, Embrace Community: Of Course They’re Happy!

Speaking of freedom, the World Happiness Report issued by independent researchers last month finds Denmark is the happiest country on the planet. Canada reaches sixth in a top ten filled with countries with national health care of some sort. The…

South Dakotans Not Up for Attacking Syria: What Shall We Do?

I'm having trouble finding anyone in South Dakota to tell me that throwing our military might at Syria is a good idea. Former Senator Jim Abourezk spoke forcefully on SDPB yesterday noon against U.S. military intervention in Syria. Abourezk's wife…

Herbicides: How Depressing?

Knowing how much our food supply depends on chemicals bums me out. Using those chemicals to fight weeds may also bum out farmers, says new research from France: [Harvard professor Marc] Weisskopf's group reports in the American Journal of Epidemiology…

U.S. Crazy Outlier in OECD Health Care Spending

Speaking of spending more and not getting more, Mark Thoma points to this Wall Street Journal article discussing health care spending as a percentage of GDP in the 34 nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Rare is…

War Photographer Doesn’t Carry a Gun

An eager reader sends me this CNN photo-story of Ohio teachers posing with their guns. (For the benefit of South Dakota's legislators, shall I emphasize the word posing?) After I got past the silly comment from firearms instructor Alan Wheeler…