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Posts tagged as “Annette Bosworth”

Powers Swallows Bosworth Bait; Fake Republican Fishing Again

I see Pat Powers is screaming down I-90 to Plankinton to witness Annette Bosworth's political theater today. If Pat's feeling journalistic after all that screaming, maybe he'll ask Bosworth about her numerous raffles, her husband's company's questionable business dealings in…

Bosworth Land Raffle Delayed? Cancelled? Ticketholders, Call Now!

The Sioux Falls metroplex will be short one health care professional. Folks wanting to bring what ails them to Dr. Annette Bosworth will have to grit their teeth until tomorrow, since Dr. Bosworth is off playing Senate candidate at Mom…

Bosworth Announces Intention to Enter Senate Race, Registers Web Domain

Annette Bosworth makes official what I reported last night based on her cringeworthy July 5 announcement to Gordon Howie: unless someone can talk some sense into her and save her medical practice and non-profit charity from destruction, Bosworth will announce…

MT Poll: Rounds Creaming Rhoden; Nelson Surging; Bosworth Bombs

The latest Madville Times poll asked you to weigh in on the race for the GOP Senate nomination in South Dakota. I gave you two matchups: the declared candidates, M. Michael Rounds versus Larry Rhoden; and the declareds versus the…

Bosworth Can’t Answer Simple Question about Most Pressing Issue

Gordon Howie's interview with GOP Senate coyly-avoiding-saying-the-exact-words-that-she-is-a candidate Annette Bosworth is exactly what any attentive observer of her "exploratory" campaign would expect: a sloppy stew of predictable and transparent pander points demonstrating that she is not a serious candidate up…