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Posts tagged as “Chad Haber”

Kurt Evans Signals Opposition to Alleged Haber Candidacy

Chad Haber's unverified candidacy (Haber has yet to make any public statement about the political intentions announced by his wife's paid political story-ginner Lee Stranahan) for the Libertarian nomination for attorney general is drawing more confirmed opposition. Kurt Evans, a…

Chad Haber Announces Impossible Candidacy for Attorney General

I see Chad Haber has taken my advice. No, not my advice that he stop scheming and take care of his family. According to his wife Annette Bosworth's paid spokesman, Haber has announced his intent to run for South Dakota…

Bosworth Blames Arends; Campaigner Davis Refutes; Stranahan Makes Bank

Rule #1: Everyone is expendable. A Hughes County grand jury met in Pierre Tuesday to hear evidence on fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth's fraudulent petition circulation oaths. The testimony presented convinced the grand jury to affirm the charges on…

Bosworth, Notary Broke Law by Circulating Petition Before January 1

...or, as Lee Schoenbeck will remind us, dog bites man... Illegitimate U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth and campaign disastermind Chad Haber appear to have broken another law in circulating Bosworth's nominating petition. Here's the story an eyewitness tells me: On…

Chad Haber Takes $200K Loan, Argues He Never Has to Pay It Back

I have raised questions before about the strange real estate dealings that Chad Haber, president of Sioux Falls non-profit Preventive Health Strategies, appears to have engaged in while living in Utah. Court documents illustrate another aspect of Haber's real estate…