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Posts tagged as “crime”

Debbie Martines Gone 20 Years; Killer Seeks Parole Today

This is Debbie Martines. She died in 1994 when a man who had abused her for years came home drunk and killed her in front of her two children. Martines was pregnant when she died. This is Joaquin Jack Ramos.…

Bosworth Blames Arends; Campaigner Davis Refutes; Stranahan Makes Bank

Rule #1: Everyone is expendable. A Hughes County grand jury met in Pierre Tuesday to hear evidence on fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth's fraudulent petition circulation oaths. The testimony presented convinced the grand jury to affirm the charges on…

Sex with Kids Illegal? Archbishop Carlson Uncertain under Oath

Friend of the blog Larry Kurtz criticizes the Catholic Church in stern and unforgiving language. Kurtz's venom (I don't think that's an unfair word) goes a bit too far for some readers. Occasionally, even I feel the need to tell…

Arrest Warrant Issued for Annette Bosworth

I told you so. Former South Dakota Senate Candidate Dr. Annette Bosworth was informed at 9:28am this morning by Sgt. Jason Gearman of the Minnehaha Sheriff’s office that a warrant had been issued for her arrest by Attorney General Marty…