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Posts tagged as “crime”

Bosworth Ad Supporter Used Maiden Name to Commit Petition Fraud

While illegitimate Senate candidate Annette Bosworth plays Hobo Joe, moping on a train car about God giving her a gift and then taking it away (Bad God! Capricious God! Kinda makes you want to pitch all this God fakery and…

Bosworth Admits Breaking Law on Petitions, But Jackley and I Hate Women

Legal team, clean-up on Aisle 1.... Let's begin with the pretense that I'm not evil. —Annette Bosworth, press conference, Sioux Falls, SD, 2014.05.27, timestamp 07:15. On June 4, Attorney General Marty Jackley will feel free to indict fifth-place primary finisher…

Bosworth Worried Jackley Will Prosecute, Provides Best Evidence Against Self

We've had six solid meat-and-potatoes blog posts today; it's time for dessert. Amid the comedy of the latest installment of her increasingly manic, scattershot publicity stunt, fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth refused to answer questions from reporters today about…

Heidelberger Declares Candidacy, Now Immune from Prosecution

David Montgomery says I'm wrong about Attorney General Marty Jackley's announcement yesterday that he won't prosecute any Senate candidates until after the election. AG Jackley isn't doing political favors; Montgomery reports that the AG is simply following a common and…

Batiz Letter Casts Doubt on Bosworth’s Veracity, Professionalism

Yesterday I highlighted the political significance of the letter Rep. Steve Hickey publicized from LeAnn Batiz, a former employee of Annette Bosworth who had to go on food stamps when Bosworth refused to pay her promised salary. That story matters…

Hickey: State Investigating Bosworth; Action Coming?

Rep. Steve Hickey's remarkable press release carries a full blog cycle's worth of news. Consider this statement from paragraph 2 of this morning's statement: Sometimes state government doesn't move fast enough or there are legal technicalities that prevent something from…