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Posts tagged as “dairy”

RCJ: Make Complicated Raw Milk Rules Voluntary

Conservatives respond with... crickets! Secretary of Agriculture Lucas Lentsch is supposed to decide today whether to implement new rules on the production and sale of raw milk in South Dakota. If he reads the Rapid City Journal and acts like…

It’s Dairy Month! Hooray for Corporations and Robots!

It's Dairy Month in South Dakota, wherein we celebrate an industry in which the pro-corporate policies of Bill Janklow, M. Michael Rounds, and Dennis Daugaard have concentrated ownership in just 370 hands. (Once upon a time, South Dakota had 20,000…

Millner’s Lake County Dairy Delinquent on 2011 Property Taxes

Hey, you know that big dairy operation up by Ramona whose management has a history of breaking environmental rules and dodging taxes? Lake County Dairy LLC, managed by Rick Millner? Guess who's delinquent on Lake County property taxes: The Lake…

Hutterites Plan New Dairy CAFO for Miner County

The Shannon Hutterite Colony of Miner County wants to build a big new dairy in Miner County. The colony's confined animal feeding operation would sit seven miles east and south of Howard, or a couple crow-flying miles southwest of Virgil's…

Immigration Reform Deal Offers Amnesty to Illegal Farm Workers

As we all know, more than half of the farm folk Dodge hagiographized with Paul Harvey's voice during the Super Bowl are illegal immigrants. Now, because rural flight leaves Big Dairy without enough workers to get us our yogurt (no,…

Milk This Cash Cow: Bust Mega-Dairies for Hiring Illegal Immigrants!

South Dakota's state-supported mega-dairies have seen a predictable share of illegal immigration arrests. If South Dakota got on the stick and helped investigate the exploitation of illegal immigrant labor, it might recoup more of its investment: An immigration raid at…

Big Import Dairies Crowd out Small Local Producers

Dick Meyer from Northville, South Dakota, writes in the Pierre Capital Journal that now is a terrible time for Governor Dennis Daugaard to be recruiting more corporate dairies from California: Because drought is affecting a large area of the U.S.,…

Foreign Dairy Notes: 6% of SD Operators Hold 23% of Herd

South Dakota pumps 90,000 dairy cattle, down from 150,000 in the 1980s. Those cows are milked by around 400 dairy operators, down from 1200 during the 1980s. According to state Ag Department dairy development specialist David Skaggs, 23 of those…