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Posts tagged as “Dan Lederman”

Youtube Scraps: Lederman Vacuous on Teleprompter; Pressler Better on Notes

Senator Dan Lederman needs a teleprompter to recite this vacuity?! "By the end of the session, there will be many issues debated and hundreds of bills introduced, some of which will pass, but most of which will not." Lincoln!…

Get Them While They Last: Lederman-Christie Pix!

With New Jersey Governor Chris Christie facing evidence that he shut down public services as political retribution, expect the following web content to disappear: And from Dan Lederman's press agent: What a good speech by Chris Christie. Very inspirational and…

Rushmore PAC Scrubbing Rounds-Related Content

Is support for Mike Rounds going soft? Let's read some tea leaves: Dan Lederman's Rushmore PAC used to be somewhat excited about the former governor's entry into the race to replace Senator Tim Johnson. When Rounds announced his exploratory committee…