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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

West River Radicals Deem Daugaard Pro-Gay Betrayer

Black Hills blogger Bob Ellis bleats that Governor Dennis Daugaard has betrayed the Republican Party by criticizing Senator Phil Jensen (R-33/Rapid City). To support this claim, Ellis points to a letter to the editor in which Glenn T. Freeman of…

Daugaard Flying Across State Tuesday for Three-Town Campaign Kick-Off

David Montgomery noted with amusement that Governor Dennis Daugaard submitted nominating petitions Tuesday for a re-election campaign that did not yet officially exist. Governor Daugaard will make that campaign official next week Tuesday, flying across the state to kick off…

Legislature Approves 4.1% Increase in State Budget from 2014 to 2015

A quick check of the budget says our Legislature acted like pretty big spenders this year, though just a hair less big than the Governor wanted (decreases in red): general funds federal funds other funds total FY 2014 adopted $1,312,583,507…

Governor Makes Animal Cruelty a Felony; No Out-State Activists in Sight

Governor Dennis Daugaard signed Senate Bill 46 into law Friday, finally making animal cruelty a felony in South Dakota. And who are all those evil "greenies from out of state" smiling with him as they impose their nefarious critter-worshipping, farm-killing…

Daugaard Donors Receive Future Fund Grants; First Amendment Prevents Fix?

South Dakota's governor has exclusive control over the Future Fund, a pool of economic development cash funded by a portion of every South Dakota business's unemployment taxes. Sometimes Governor Dennis Daugaard uses the Future Fund for good (if you think…