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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard Continues to Separate Self and State from EB-5

Governor Dennis Daugaard keeps building the wall of separation between himself and the scandal-hobbled EB-5 visa investment program. Check out his answers to Bob Mercer's question on the program. On Daugard's knowledge of the EB-5 program: I was generally aware…

Top Ten Reasons Daugaard Now Backing ACA Medicaid Expansion

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he realized he'd get run over if he didn't expand Medicaid. Here are the top ten reasons Governor Dennis Daugaard is changing his public position on expanding Medicaid: Governor Daugaard has an…

Daugaard Open to More State Handouts to Northern Beef Packers

We now have five candidates who want to unseat Governor Dennis Daugaard. If they are serious, they will all prepare the following quote for campaign fundraising letters: Gov. Dennis Daugaard said Friday he does not believe the state’s financial support…

Daugaard Sure Stress Drove Benda to Kill Himself

I know how you folks hate speculation about Richard Benda's death. So what say you of Governor Dennis Daugaard's diagnosis of the former economic development chief's purported suicide? Daugaard stopped short of accusing Benda of any wrongdoing, but did speculate…

South Dakota Sees 68% Increase in Homeless Students

Here's a statistic I don't think Governor Daugaard mentioned when he extolled the strength of our state on Tuesday: in the 2011–2012 school year, South Dakota school districts reported 2,542 homeless students. Between SY 2009–2010 and SY 2011–2012, South Dakota…

Daugaard: No Foul on NBP Grant Diversion; State Wants Benda’s Travel Cash Back

Governor Dennis Daugaard spoke about South Dakota's troubled EB-5 visa investment program, the failed Northern Beef Packers slaughterhouse, and the federal investigations thereof in an interview with SDPB's Karl Gehrke yesterday. Gehrke opens the topic of Northern Beef Packers around…