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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Ernie Otten’s First Sponsored Bill: Nullify Concealed Weapons Laws!

Oh joy. District 6 sends conservative Republican Ernie Otten to represent them in the Senate, and what's the first thing he does? Gets together with Rep. Lance Russell (R-30/Hot Springs) to write a gunslingers' bill. Well, they didn't really write…

Howie Conducting Survey on Daugaard Job Performance

Oh look: Gordon Howie figured out how to create an online survey... sort of. The least effective man in South Dakota conservative politics says he's sent tens of thousands of South Dakota voters this survey on Governor Daugaard's job performance.…

Daugaard Proposes Spending 3.7% Less Per Student Than in 2011

Last week I noted that Governor Dennis Daugaard appears to be asking us to increase the number of people working for state government at a slightly higher rate than he is restoring funding for education. The Governor's office responded that…

Daugaard Proposes Funding Mickelson Trail Spur to Mount Rushmore

Here's one part of Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget proposal that I like: the Governor wants to spend a half-million dollars to connect the Mickelson Trail with Mount Rushmore. ...Daugaard wants $500,000 in state money to be used for an 18-mile…

Guest Column: Venhuizen Corrects My Calculation of Daugaardian Big Government

Yesterday, I posted on the Daugaard Administration's apparent prioritization of bigger state government over stronger support for education. Daugaard Administration Director of Policy and Communications Tony Venhuizen communicates this corrective response: I emailed Cory to share with him that the…