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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard out to Whack Howie with Primary Polling and Endorsements?

Let me see if I have this all straight. Kevin Woster and David Montgomery report that Governor Dennis Daugaard has intervened in five Republican primaries with endorsements for his favored Republicans: Sen. Deb Peters over Rep. Lora Hubbel for District…

More Wingnuts: Now Daugaard Coming to Take Your Guns

The wingnuts are really piling on Governor Dennis Daugaard now. Not only does the Governor back baby-killers, but he also wants to take away the guns God gave you to shoot those baby-killers. So sorta-sayeth the National Association for Gun…

Wingnuts Say Daugaard Endorses Baby-Killers

Senator Tom Nelson (R-31/Lead) and Senator Deb Peters (R-9/Hartford) vote to kill babies. That's what South Dakota's Taliban want you to believe. Riffing on the South Dakota Right to Life primary voter guide, right-wingnut Ed Randazzo urges fetus fetishists across…

Daugaard Endorsement of GOP Primary Candidates Raises Conservative Ire

I get queasy when Bob Ellis agrees with me. I noted a few days ago Governor Daugaard's insertion of himself into the local District 31 GOP Senate primary. Arch-conservative Ellis takes much greater umbrage at the Governor's exertion of influence:…

Daugaard Sends Graduation Card — Let’s Parse!

Governor Dennis Daugaard issues his "heartiest congratulations" to all South Dakota graduates. (He's saving his least hearty congratulations for National Blog Recognition Day... whenever that is.) The Governor says many silly things to our graduates. Fortunately, South Dakota's parents, teachers,…

Daugaard Stumping for Tom Nelson in Spearfish Tuesday, May 22

We generally expect Republican and Democratic party officials to avoid endorsing candidates in the primaries. South Dakota GOP bosses were careful not to speak up for Mitt Romney until his main challengers quit. SDGOP by-laws Section 3.1.A.51 make Governor Dennis…

Car Seat Program Shows Real Family Values

In a move my conservative neighbors ought to be cheering, the federal government is cutting back spending on child safety. Since 2005, South Dakota parents have benefited from the Project 8 Child Seat Program, which last year alone handed out…