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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Republicans in Dreamland: HB 1234 Passes on Wishes, Hopes, and Lies

In a flagrant act of public fallacio, Governor Daugaard persuaded the slimmest possible majority of his good GOP soldiers to pass his education reform package yesterday. But first, let us acknowledge the good and brave legislators who spoke truth to…

Governor Presses, House Keeps Referred Law 14 on Ballot

...but not without more GOP monkeyshines! Governor Dennis Daugaard appears to have applied the appropriate pressure to his good soldiers in the Legislature. Last Friday, Rep. Brock Greenfield (R-6/Clark) moved to turn SB 170 into a blatant attempt to subvert…

HB 1234: Bad Meatloaf No One Likes

Rep. Steve Hickey observed on Facebook that during Thursday's committee hearing, HB 1234, Governor Dennis Daugaard's package of education reforms, "was referred to as a botched meatloaf. Nothing they add would make anyone want to eat it." According to yesterday's…

SB 48: $10 Million to Pay Wisconsinites to Sell South Dakota

Correction/Update 2012.02.24 07:10 MST: I am informed by folks who know policy better than I that my headline is inaccurate. The appropriation for recruitment is $5 million. $10 million is for the panoply of policies the South Dakota Workforce Initiative…

Stop Daugaard’s Education Package, Study the Problem Instead

Last Pitch Before Committee! Save our schools: sign and share this online petition today! Governor Daugaard's spokesman and point man on education policy Tony Venhuizen hands out details on changes to HB 1234, the Governor's education reform package. The math/science…

Daugaard Oil-Lust Increases Risk of Terrorist Attacks in South Dakota

Governor Dennis Daugaard is promoting petro-exploitation in South Dakota with his Oil and Gas Initiative. Meanwhile, Rick Santorum swings wide and tells North Dakotans that their development of the Bakken oil fields means Iran might nuke 'em: Rick Santorum warned…