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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Larson: Executive Orders? Impeach Daugaard the Usurper!

The South Dakota Republican Party predicates its formal call for President Barack Obama's impeachment on allegations that the President is "by passing [sic] Congress" and "usurping his authority". (One does not usurp one's own authority, but as usual with South…

Impeachment Target Rejects South Dakota’s Request for FEMA Money

In our discussion of the various Obama outhouses, one of my commenters suggested that the next time Governor Dennis Daugaard and impeach-happy South Dakota Republicans came asking for disaster assistance, the President should respond, "'And how many outhouses would you…

Results, Not Rhetoric? O.K., SDGOP, Let Wismer and Daugaard Have That Chat

Yesterday the South Dakota Republican Party responded with immediate snark to Rep. Susan Wismer's announcement of former legislator Susy Blake has her running mate in the gubernatorial race. "South Dakotans Appreciate Results, Not Rhetoric," said the press release headline from…

West River Rancher Notes Daugaard’s Swift Response to East River Emergency

From the Department of Awkward Twitter Juxtaposition, West River rancher Dallas Basel reacts to Governor Dennis Daugaard's emergency declaration in southeast South Dakota: Daugaard chief of staff Dusty Johnson tweets Lt. Gov. Matt Michels's comment from the Governor's disaster response…

Daugaard to Future Philosophers, Historians, Teachers: Drop Dead

O.K., neither Gerald Ford nor Dennis Daugaard actually said "Drop dead." But South Dakota's Governor may as well have said that to future philosophers and other aspiring devotées of the humanities at Girls' State yesterday at USD: “I’m not saying…