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Posts tagged as “elections”

Santema Agrees Gant Must Go, Considers Run for Office

Aberdeen blogger Ken Santema declares current Secretary of State Jason Gant unfit for service. He says Gant has demonstrated an inability to carry out two primary responsibilities of his office, chief elections officer and top notary public. He notes that…

Stace Nelson Electable, But Not Top House Vote-Getter

Backers of Rep. Stace Nelson's campaign for U.S. Senate are floating on Twitter the claim that Nelson got the most votes of all South Dakota State Representatives yet gets called "unelectable" by the Rounds-Wadhams campaign machine. I haven't seen the…

Bosworth Foreshadowed: NJ Doctor/Rookie Candidate Creamed in NJ Primary

Lacking any grasp of policy or strategy, GOP Senate candidate Annette Bosworth likes to campaign by analogy: Bosworth pointed to Alieta Eck, another independent physician currently running for New Jersey’s open Senate seat, as an example that others in her…

Consider Special Elections for Legislative Vacancies

We're getting what feels like a lot of churn in the Legislature, and it's not even an election year. In the last couple months, four three* legislators have chosen not to complete the terms to which their neighbors elected them…

Blog Barks, Gant Updates Website with 2014 Election Info

Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.... Monday I complained that Secretary of State Jason Gant was asleep at the switch again, this time denying the public useful information about the 2014 election schedule. One commenter felt…