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Posts tagged as “energy”

Uncle Sam Wants You… to Design Better Battlefield Batteries!

Do you think it's a hassle hauling that spare battery for your laptop? Talk to your friendly neighborhood U.S. infantryman. Armies still march on their stomachs, but nowadays, they also march on their batteries to run their radios, GPS units,…

Noem, House Dim BULB Act Shows GOP Contradictions

On July 12, the House Republicans tried to suspend the rules and ram through Texas Rep. Joe Barton's "Better Use of Light Bulbs Act," a silly little effort to portray incandescent light bulbs as great symbols of American freedom. The…

Short-Sighted Republicans Want More, More, More Fossil Fuels

Kristi Noem, Michele Bachmann, and other Republicans are revving up the new version of "Drill Baby Drill!", their unsafe and un-Christian (think stewardship) call to dig up and burn all the fossil fuels we can as fast as we can.…

Oil:Buffalo::Us:Indians — Single-Resource Dependence Unwise

North Dakota has more job openings than unemployed workers. Their booming energy sector is a big part of their economic success. By tapping the Bakken Shale, North Dakota has become the fourth-biggest oil-producing state in the Union. Yet North Dakota…

Who Needs Air Conditioning in a Tent? G.I. Joe, Apparently

Hey, Senator Thune! Want to reduce government spending? Talk to the military about turning down its air conditioners. According to a retired general who was in charge of logistics in Iraq, we spend $20 billion a year air-conditioning tents and…

Germany: Less Solar Potential, More Solar Panels

My friend LK compares the United States and Germany on wages. Short version: the German middle class gets better wages and better work hours than we do. The Germans get more from less---ah, German efficiency. On that note, I turn…

Kristi Noem Thinks Oil Is Renewable Fuel

A constituent writes to South Dakota Congresswoman Kristi Noem to express concern about rising gasoline prices. Here's an excerpt from her response in a May 6 letter, in which she appears to suggest that oil and gas are renewable fuels:…