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Posts tagged as “energy”

More Farmers Hoofing It… But Organic Farming Will Starve Us?

Hey, Charlie! How about converting the organic farm to organic power? Now, as diesel prices skyrocket, some farmers who have rejected many of the past century's advances in agriculture have found a renewed logic in draft power. Partisans argue that…

Herseth Sandlin Joins Biofuel/Renewable Energy Lobby Group

After failing to get a seat on the House Ag committee, Rep. Kristi Noem is now kicking up dust about dust. Meanwhile, House Ag committee veteran Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is taking a seat on the 25x'25 National Steering Committee. 25x'25…

Sioux Valley Installs 4400 Smart Meters, More to Come

My Sioux Valley Energy March newsletter comes to me... slowly. Their fancy page-turning animation is cute, but it uses so much bandwidth that those of us reading on Sioux Valley's rural wireless Internet must wait a frustratingly long time to…

Saving Sparse School Districts: The Nuclear Option

A West River correspondent with legislative experience says that the 2011 South Dakota Legislature passed some new rules that hurt schools in sparsely populated districts. I review this correspondent's list of sparse school districts in northwestern South Dakota and find…

Water’s Rising: Install Small Hydro Power?

Colorado is looking into expanding zero-emissions power by adding hydroelectric power to irrigation dams: Colorado State University professor Daniel Zimmerle... and researchers will study how efficient and plausible low-head hydropower, which uses river current and tidal flows to produce energy…

Thune Forgets Own Obstructionist Addiction to Cheap Oil

Does anyone else hear Senator John Thune's cognitive dissonance on energy policy? Check out his comments in this Thursday interview with SDPB: If oil prices go up to $100 a barrel, or worse yet $150 a barrel, and you see…

South Dakota Can Seek Economic Boost from Data Storage

As I consider the Madison Chamber's ambitious goal to boost sales more than 50%, and as I read the I-29 Corridor regional development stategy, I find an article that suggests a route for industrial recruitment that could support both local…