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Posts tagged as “guns”

Avoid Gun Blasphemy: Move Schools, Stores, Offices, Military Online

Because guns are America's God, regulating guns for safety is blasphemy. So rather than interrupt my neighbors' genuflections before the bizzare, weirdly narcissistic, and flatly wrong worship of guns as the source of our freedom, permit me to solve all…

Rep. Betty Olson Wants Armed French Teachers in Your School

Rep. Betty Olson (R-28B/Prairie City) is revving up to keep me busy blogging this winter. She wants me to carry a gun in my classroom: As residents of Newtown, Conn., began burying the 20 children and six adults killed in…

Make Gun Control Equal to Car Control

Hi, I'm a member of the lunatic fringe determined to wreak tyranny upon you. (Hmph—at least Ed Randazzo makes himself clear.) And I'm going to talk about the "tyranny" we would do by regulating guns to the same extent that…

Thune and GOP Senators Vote Against Hunting and Fishing

The Sportsmen's Act of 2012 promotes public hunting and fishing access, habitat conservation and strongly funded resource management. It had strong bipartisan support until after the election. On November 26, Senator John Thune and 42 GOP colleagues voted against the…

SD Gun Owners PAC Fusses About Gun Rights, Ignores Substantive Issues

The South Dakota Gun Owners continue to hyperventilate about their pet fringe issue of being able to carry a gun wherever and whenever they want. This narrow special interest group has sent out carbon-copy attack flyers in District 35 against…

Colorado Movie Shooter 12 Drops in Bucket: Half-Staff Forever

I come home from France to find the Stars and Stripes at half-mast. I am disappointed. The Center for Disease Control says that we murder 16,800 people in America each year. 11,500 of those victims die by firearm. That's an…