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Posts tagged as “guns”

HB 1066: Armed Civilians in Courthouses Show Lack of Faith in Civil Society

Rep. Betty Olson's House Bill 1065, which would make concealed weapons permits free, distracts us from practical policy discussions. Rep. Olson's House Bill 1066 extends the distraction with a dangerous reversal of public safety law. The pistol-packing Prairie City representative…

HB 1065: Free Concealed Weapons Permits!

We have our first manifestation of gun worship in the Legislative hopper. Rep. Betty Olson brings us House Bill 1065, a measure to repeal the fee for concealed weapons permits. Currently, South Dakotans seeking to pack secret heat must pay…

TransCanada to Impose Gun Control in Labor Camps

What's it going to take to get more South Dakotans to oppose TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline? How about the fact that TransCanada supports gun control? Amidst discussion of ordinances to manage potential temporary labor camps (the word gulag springs unbidden…

Gun! Bible! Vote for Me!

Question: Which of these things doesn't fit with the others? A pistol Annette Bosworth The Bible The United States Senate Answer: (E) All of the above. This photo comes from another awful segment of the Chad and Annette Traveling Medicine…