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Posts tagged as “humor”

Kristi Noem Stamping Her Style on Washington… style, that is: I leave any and all speculation on political signals to my commenters. Not receiving Noem cuts: expense accounts for Kristi's leaders. Meanwhile, Rep. Noem brings Watertown its first Congressional office!

Who Deserves Most Pay? Teachers, Says Rasmussen Poll

Rasmussen Reports must be getting numbers Karl Rove doesn't like on the GOP Presidential race. Today RR diverts our attention with a poll on---urp!---Charlie Sheen. Pile that on top of three Charlie references in today's Senate debate on HB 1255,…

KJAM Lands Onion Writer as New General Manager

I read with interest the announcement in Friday's MDL that last night's Madison City Commission meeting would open with "an introductory meeting with the new general manager of KJAM." What?! New GM? Where's Lorin Larsen going? Did corporate find out…

Spelling? Check! Grammar… Hunter Teases Us

Our man Hunter must be pulling our leg. An eager reader notes that MDL's Tuesday editorial on the recent spelling bee and the state of the mother tongue includes this passage (as usual, I quote verbatim): We don't think using…

Madison Kids Distinguish Selves in State Capitol

Madison's 80 fourth graders had decent weather for riding out to Pierre to see our beautiful State Capitol Building. Secretary of State Jason Gant showed the kids around his office (photos from Secretary of State's office): And then the kids…

Madison Marketing Shows Barbed Wire Hospitality

The professionals at Madison's Bulldog MediaSoup feature their video promotions of our fair city on our fair marketing website: Check out that header image. Nothing says "Friendly Hometown Hospitality" like an old barbed-wire fence keeping people out of an empty…

Prii! Rome Resurgent with Prius Properly Pluralized

The Latin wisdom of crowds prevails... barely! Toyota hosted an online poll to ask people what they think the plural of Prius should be. By a narrow one-point plurality, respondents chose the Latin form Prii. Toyota says that is the…