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Posts tagged as “Internet”

SD Legislative Campaigns: Who Wins the YouTube Vote?

The SDPB Meet the Candidates videos introduce us to 105 of the 141 South Dakotans contending for seats in the State Legislature this year. Some of those candidates get more views than others. I wonder: which candidates are beating their…

Which Five Legislative Candidates Draw the Least YouTube Attention?

As I page through South Dakota Public Broadcasting's Legislative candidate videos, my usual underdog urge drives me to bring attention to the lesser among us. Specifically, I wondered which candidates are getting the least attention from their free two-minute pitches.…

Wikipedia: Thune Not VP Contender

This morning's digital smoke-signal: Wikipedia has put the pages of several contenders for the Republican Vice-Presidential nomination in "semi-protected" mode to prevent a surge in edits in anticipation of Mitt Romney's announcement. Wikipedia's picks for the next potential Palin: Former…

Daugaard Makes Unlikely Pitch for Amazon Warehouse

Mr. Montgomery reports that Governor Dennis Daugaard is trying to get Amazon to move a warehouse to South Dakota. The main motivation discussed in the article is sales tax revenue. According to Montgomery's numbers, South Dakota misses out on about…

Noem Reacting, Updating Web… So Where Are the Town Halls?

Wow: Team Noem must have gotten a Web intern! Continuing her reactive not proactive performance (not part of the definition of leadership!), South Dakota's lone Congresswoman responds to Mr. Montgomery's notice of her two-year-old web content by updating her campaign…