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Posts tagged as “Internet”

Wobbly Web Filters: Sanford Health Blocks Blogs at Random?

A traveling correspondent checks in from Sanford Health in Sioux Falls with an odd Web filter note. Clicking around the South Dakota blogosphere, my correspondent logs into a computer in the Sanford lobby... and discovers the following sites blocked by…

Russ Olson Says Blogosphere Really Smart

Senator Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) has regularly shown his failure to understand the usefulness of the Internet. But he's showing signs of coming around. He recently unblocked me from his Twitter account. And now he acknowledges that the South Dakota blogosphere…

South Dakota Republican Party Website Disappears

Let me guess: someone made Pat Powers webmaster? A couple weeks ago, Republican blogger Pat Powers snarked on the South Dakota Democratic Party for not being sufficiently active on their official website. The proper response from Democrats this evening is,…

Avoid Gun Blasphemy: Move Schools, Stores, Offices, Military Online

Because guns are America's God, regulating guns for safety is blasphemy. So rather than interrupt my neighbors' genuflections before the bizzare, weirdly narcissistic, and flatly wrong worship of guns as the source of our freedom, permit me to solve all…

Howie Conducting Survey on Daugaard Job Performance

Oh look: Gordon Howie figured out how to create an online survey... sort of. The least effective man in South Dakota conservative politics says he's sent tens of thousands of South Dakota voters this survey on Governor Daugaard's job performance.…