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Posts tagged as “Larry Pressler”

Hobo Day Too Good for Pressler and Politicking?

I must now turn my fire on my alma mater, South Dakota State University, for political favoritism and restriction of free speech. Apparently they (and there's dispute as to whether "they" is the Hobo Day Committee or President David Chicoine…

Third Poll Finds Rounds Falling Below 40%; Pressler Now Credible Threat

Nielson Brothers Polling reinforces the growing belief that Mike Rounds is far from the bulletproof Senate candidate Republicans thought he would be. Their latest polling data finds that Rounds has dropped four points to 39%. Nielsons' finding joins Public Policy…

Pressler on TV, Says Can Win Three-Way Senate Race

Hey! Larry Pressler got on TV Sunday morning! MSNBC's Steve Kornacki talked to South Dakota's combusting Independent Senate candidate about our how to attack ISIS, how to get Congress back to work, and how to win a three-way race in…

Pressler on Fire. Weiland Firing at Pressler’s Old Record

Larry Pressler sent me the funniest thing I read all day yesterday. His press release celebrating his rising poll numbers quoted campaign chairman Don Frankenfeld thus: The Pressler campaign is on fire. Come on, Don! Give us an exclamation point!…

Opportunity Knocks: Poll Shows Rounds Below 40%

Nine million dollars just doesn't go as far as it used to. Republican candidate Mike Rounds jumped into South Dakota's Senate race almost two years ago and bragged that he'd raise nine million dollars to finance a top-notch campaign. Two…

Honest Independent Pressler Touts Work with Reagan and Clinton

I'm posting Larry Pressler's latest TV ad, just because he's not a jerk like Mike Rounds who lies about the other candidates and promises to do things he'll never do: This ad runs right up the middle, complementing his runs…