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Posts tagged as “Matt Varilek”

Nielson Brothers: Noem, Fiegen, GOP Widen Leads in South Dakota

Dagnabit! I try to enjoy my breakfast with a nice story about the possibility that Matt Varilek is building momentum, and Nielson Brothers Polling has to come and sneeze on my Cheerios. As the insomniac Mr. Mercer reports*, NBP has…

Noem Flip-Flops Back to Supporting Farm Bill Discharge Petition

Rep. Kristi Noem has flip-flopped back to supporting a discharge petition for the Farm Bill she has so far failed to move. A discharge petition is a way Congresspeople can force the House leadership to take action on a bill.…

Noem Impotence Costs 92 Aberdeen Wind Turbine Workers Their Jobs

Kristi Noem has famously declared that she "didn't go to Washington to talk." She went to Washington "to get stuff done." Talking is about all she is doing. She hasn't gotten stuff done on the production tax credit to keep…

Mercer Misreads Marking; More GOP Votes Will Swing to Varilek

Bob Mercer recycles an attempted headline and overstates the importance of B. Thomas Marking in South Dakota's 2010 Congressional race: Statewide, Marking did the best of any third-line candidate in a South Dakota election for U.S. House in more than…