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Posts tagged as “media”

Credit Card Execs Blameless, Says Corporate Media

Has anyone else noticed that when KELO's anchorpeople step out from behind the Big News desk, they do the worst journalism? First Angela Kennecke gags us with her puff piece on Kristi Noem's roast. (And seriously, Kristi: you get a…

TransCanada Spills 500 Barrels of Oil; KELO Frets About Business

(Hat tip to a Facebook friend and legislator who notices the same misplaced concern from our local media!) This is your brain on capitalism: The Ludden pump station on the Keystone pipeline near Cogswell, North Dakota, blows a fitting and…

Local Endorsement: Steven Kant Urges Vote for Heidelberger

The Madison Daily Leader declines to publish letters endorsing political candidates. Fortunately for civic discourse, I do not! Lake Madison denizen Steven Kant says Madison voters should put me on the school board: Cory's platform and vision for the District…

Budget Cuts Hurt SDPB & South Dakota Culture

South Dakota Public Broadcasting is making out worse than most in our state budget cuts. Schools "escaped" with 6.6% funding cuts; most other agencies are taking a 10% hit. SDPB, apparently having kicked someone's dog, gets a 16.6% haircut... which…

Technical Difficulties… and New Poll! Pick Your School Board!

Dear friends and neighbors, I apologize for my multimedia failure. I have just over a gigabyte of video from Tuesday's candidates' forum here in Madison that I desperately want to post for your civic education and entertainment. Last week I…

Watertown Newspaper Advocates Stone Tablets

Local newspapers dread the prospect of allowing school boards, county commissions, and other public entities to post their official notices and meeting minutes online. The Madison Daily Leader makes a few dollars every time it posts the occasional election announcement…

Candidates’ Forum Tonight: Any Questions?

It's T-minus two hours until the big democracy show tonight here in Madison, as the three Madison City Commission candidates and the five Madison Central school board candidates will take the lectern to answer your questions. If you have questions…

Yankton School Board Race: More Info, Web Work…

...and the kiss of death: a Madville Times endorsement! The Displaced Plainsman draws my attention to the school board race in Yankton. They have four people duking it out for one seat—brave souls! I thought maybe they'd have to have…