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Posts tagged as “military”

Annette Bosworth, Holy War-Monger

Update 16:59 CDT: Annette Bosworth's beacon, Che Guevara, also wanted America to over-extend itself in multiple Vietnams. * * * David Montgomery gets all five of South Dakota's U.S. Senate candidates on the record in opposition to attacking Syria... well,…

South Dakotans Not Up for Attacking Syria: What Shall We Do?

I'm having trouble finding anyone in South Dakota to tell me that throwing our military might at Syria is a good idea. Former Senator Jim Abourezk spoke forcefully on SDPB yesterday noon against U.S. military intervention in Syria. Abourezk's wife…

Noem Declares Bush Wars Wrong

...or so one could conclude from the language Rep. Kristi Noem uses in her August 29 interview with the editorial board of that Sioux Falls paper. Publisher Randall Beck asks Rep. Noem the extent to which South Dakotans are engaged…

Dow Rebuts GOP Sour Grapes; Now, How About Some Stimulus?

The rich must be done reacting. Right after the November election, conservative blog P&R Miscellany reveled in the stock market's slide as a sign that the 1% knew four more years of President Obama meant economic doom. I suggested that…

Avoid Gun Blasphemy: Move Schools, Stores, Offices, Military Online

Because guns are America's God, regulating guns for safety is blasphemy. So rather than interrupt my neighbors' genuflections before the bizzare, weirdly narcissistic, and flatly wrong worship of guns as the source of our freedom, permit me to solve all…

Noem Drops Committee Assignments, Will Use Armed Services for SD Pork

Kristi Noem is getting senioritis in her sophomore term. As promised, South Dakota's lone Congresswoman is cutting her workload in Washington... which, after achieving nothing in her first term, arguably means she may be planning to achieve negative work in…