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Posts tagged as “military”

ALEC, West Point, CIA at Odds over Diversity

Public education advocate Sabrina Stevens infiltrates a meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council and hears Indiana State Representative Cindy Noe urge ALEC to tackle the content we teach. "If we're not careful," says Rep. Noe, "we will end up…

Republican Hypocrisy: Feed the Armed Forces, Starve the Kids

Gordon Howie's propaganda machine gripes and moans (again, linklessly! Why does South Dakota's right-wing blogosphere have to suck so badly?) that healthcare is a privilege, not a right attested in the Declaration of Independence. Maintaining a military presence in other…

Comparing Daugaard and Obama on Afghanistan Outfits: Who Needs a Uniform?

A couple weeks ago, we discussed the appropriateness of Governor Dennis Daugaard's donning of military duds during his April visit to Afghanistan. My reasonable commenters offered protocol and security justifications for our civilian Governor to appear in official military gear…

Daugaard in Uniform: Got a Problem with That?

In our discussion of the odd policy decision by the Daugaard Administration to scale back the portfolio of the Lieutenant Governor position based on a personal decision by the current holder of the job, a minor kerfuffle erupts over Dennis…

Marine Corps: Oorah for Solar!

Still think green power is for sissies? Don't say that to the Marines. America's best butt-kickers are using solar power to save money, save troop backpack weight, and save lives. Outside tells of one Marine unit's experience operating in a…