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Posts tagged as “Mitt Romney”

Romney-Ryan Ticket Guarantees Obama-Biden Four More Years!

Mitt Romney has picked Gabe from The Office as the GOP's vice-presidential nominee. Actually, it's Paul Ryan, who will be cooped up on a bus with Mitt for the next four days touring battleground states. So, your GOP veep choice…

Voter Video to Romney: Vow to Veto VAT!

My post yesterday on Mitt Romney's inability to deal with the deficit stokes Stan Gibilisco's fears that Romney-nomics will lead us to an economy-crushing, inequality-boosting value-added tax. Mr. Gibilisco hates the VAT so much that the lifelong Republican posts this…

Brits Love National Health Service; Massachusetts Boosts RomneyCare

Mitt Romney could have mitigated the damage of his ugly, undiplomatic performance in England last week if he had just complimented socialized medicine in the United Kingdom the way he did later in Israel. The Brits love their National Health…

Noem at Odds with Romney, Big Oil on Tax Credit for Wind Power

Kristi Noem and Mitt Romney disagree. South Dakota's Congresswoman joined 17 House freshmen at the end of June in calling for an extension of the production tax credit that boosts development of wind power. (Once again, Rep. Noem appears to…

Romney Praises Israeli Socialized Medicine

If the results of the Presidential election are a function of the economy, then sure, Obama-Romney race is a toss-up. (But note, Dr. Blanchard: the President is leading in the battleground states.) But if the election is driven by things…

Romney to Olympians: You Didn’t Win That Medal!

Last week I mentioned Republican efforts to brew controversy out of President Obama's utterly uncontroversial recognition of the reliance of the modern economy on the social contract. Naturally, it doesn't take long to find an example of Mitt Romney expressing…