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Posts tagged as “music”

Two Vegetarians Lip-Synch on South Dakota Parade Float; Life Goes On

That went well. South Dakota ranchers protested earlier this month when Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade organizers assigned Joan Jett to South Dakota's parade float. We can't have some vegan PETA activist standing next to our fake rolling replica of Mount…

Local Music on KELO? Yay! Counterprogramming SDPB? Boo!

KELO busts the national corporate mold and goes local with a new music program, White Wall Sessions. Hatched last spring by filmmaker and adman Jeff Zueger and local musician Steve Zastrow, the thirty-minute show moves from Facebook to the small…

More Crony Capitalism: Sioux Falls Wants to Ban Ticket Scalping

Sioux Falls joins the march down the great South Dakota path of crony capitalism with its proposed ordinance to outlaw ticket scalping: Sioux Falls business owner Brian Opp is speaking up to make sure the ordinance, if passed, does not…

Cole-Dai Fights Keystone XL with Music

Brookings artist and activist Phyllis Cole-Dai is using her music to fight TransCanada and the Keystone XL pipeline. She's put together this text-show with her piano solo "Circling": "A Mother's Letter to TransCanada & Big Oil" from Phyllis Cole-Dai on…

Badlands Bash Sunday Afternoon at Rapid City Main Street Square

I love Rapid City's Main Street Square. It's a beautiful outdoor space. Every time I've been downtown in Rapid City, there have been people hanging out there, and usually there's been some sort of event (ice skating, farmer's market, unicycle…

Prom Advice: Play Hall and Oates… and Just Dance

Speaking of young people not knowing how to have a good time, I chaperoned the Spearfish High School prom last night. No more than 10% of the students in attendance wore their expensive formal dresses and full tuxedos until the…