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Posts tagged as “Pat Powers”

Powers Brings Hypocrisy to KSOO Website

Hypocrisy must be the hot new buzzword in Results Radio's business model. They've invited Pat Powers to write a weekly column for KSOO Radio. Says Powers: could say that my brand of conservatism is one of fairness, individualism, opportunity,…

DWC Journalism: 8 out of 19 Seats Empty = “Packed to the Gills!”

This is journalism in Pat Powers's world. He takes a photo of Rep. Kristi Noem and Oklahoma Rep. Frank Lucas holding forth at the State Fair and declares the meeting "packed to the gills!" (yes, exclamation point included). Let's count…

Bosworth Needs Reporter to Tell Her Challenger’s Name

Pat Powers promotes Annette Bosworth for two reasons: Giving Bosworth any positive attention fosters the notion that she is a serious, viable candidate, further divides the anti-Mike Rounds vote, and boosts the chances that Pat's guy Mike wins the primary.…