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Posts tagged as “Pat Powers”

Powers Swallows Bosworth Bait; Fake Republican Fishing Again

I see Pat Powers is screaming down I-90 to Plankinton to witness Annette Bosworth's political theater today. If Pat's feeling journalistic after all that screaming, maybe he'll ask Bosworth about her numerous raffles, her husband's company's questionable business dealings in…

Brendan Johnson Adopts Social Media; GOP Web Spinster Sputters

Pat Powers predictably snarkificates on U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson's opening of a Twitter account: ...isn’t raising his profile though the use of social media a political move for someone viewed by many Democrats as the future savior of the South…

Dakota Rural Action Liberal… as in Fighting for Your Liberty

My response to Dakota War College's derision of Dakota Rural Action as a "liberal" activist group drew a predictable dodge in which Mr. Powers said he should call DRA "a lot worse" for opposing corporate farms and criticizing John Thune.…

GOP Spin Blog Lies to Accuse Dems of Lying

This is piddly stuff. It's not even worth lying about. But Pat Power lies about it. The South Dakota Democratic Party tweets thus: Do you support Marriage equality? Our keynote speakers at McGovern Day do too. Join us on April…

Republicans Admit Free Market Doesn’t Work for South Dakota

Pat Powers admits he's more of a big-government liberal than I am. In fronting for the crony capitalism South Dakota practices in the name of "economic development," Powers declares the following: Our legislature needs to form a replacement plan for…