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Posts tagged as “rhetoric”

Obama Values: Hard Work, Honesty, Gratitude, Humility, Respect

Speaking of well-chosen words, check out how Michelle Obama turns a positive biographical sketch of herself and her husband, the leader of the free world, into a powerful rebuttal of the GOP squawking points: Like so many American families, our…

Paranoia Afoot: Liss Calls for Purge of Marxist Infiltrators

Reading Brian C. Liss's "Suggestions for Conservative Activists" inspires to compose my own list... actually, just one suggestion for conservative activists: Don't listen to Brian C. Liss. The retiring one-term Republican legislator from Sioux Falls gets airtime on Gordon Howie's…

Right-Wingnut Excuses Dodging Sales Tax with Anti-Government Ramble

Brad Ford is the worst writer in Gordon Howie's Potemkin-village blogroll. Howie and Ed Randazzo are permanently reality-challenged, but at least I can understand their primal screams of Guns, God, and Glory. Ford can't even craft a coherent argument. Consider…

Ann Romney About as Good at Speeches as Mitt

Ann Romney made what is described as a rousing personal speech a day or two ago a Connecticut GOP dinner. Among her comments was the following statement about working women, which I can only conclude was a sheer cue card…

Pope Benedict XVI Bows to Fidel Castro

Dakota War College loves to dismiss any and all policy statements by George McGovern and anyone who shakes his hand by running this old photo of the former South Dakota Senator meeting with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro: In running this…