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Posts tagged as “Rick Weiland”

Rounds at Rock Bottom; Weiland Can Focus on Pressler?

David Montgomery makes up for giving Dick Wadhams too much room to run on the Darley ruling by reviewing the latest SurveyUSA poll numbers and saying Mike Rounds is on the floor... of Republican support in South Dakota: Mike Rounds…

Rounds Lies; Lessig Says EB-5 Convinced Him Weiland Can Win

Because he can't come up with a decent rebuttal of his own, Mike Rounds desperately tries to spin the arbitrator's ruling in the Darley case as a complete refutation of everything anyone has ever said about EB-5 ever: Today’s decision…

Weiland Wins Iona with New Music Video

Like his chances of beating Mike Rounds, Rick Weiland's music videos keep getting better. The following video will air on KELO tonight at 6 p.m.: "Big Wheel" is the best entry yet in Rick's musicopolitical œuvre. It squeezes all of…

Weiland Seven Points Behind Rounds; Pressler, Howie Gaining

Mike Rounds isn't the only person asking to change his answer. South Dakota Republicans are starting to wish they could change their nominee (where have you gone, Larry Rhoden?). Public Policy Polling finds support for Mike Rounds has dropped to…

Abourzek Says Weiland Right for Indian Country

Columnist Tim Giago says South Dakota's American Indians should pick Larry Pressler for U.S. Senate. Former Senator Jim Abourezk says no way: Rick Weiland is the right man for Indian Country. Abourezk says Weiland is the only viable champion for…