The South Dakota House showed a little common sense yesterday and killed House Bill 1206, which would have allowed individuals to carry concealed weapons on our public university campuses. But some Republicans couldn't let that happen without exposing their contempt…
Posts tagged as “Scott Craig”
This winter, the South Dakota Legislature passed House Bill 1087, the fear- and hype- and gun-worship-driven school gunslinger bill. Since passage of that law, we've had one school shooting (an incident in which a teenager was horsing around outside with…
I wanted to give Pastor Scott Craig some credit. His break with wingnut Gordon Howie suggested he might be a rational legislator. But as I listen to the audio of yesterday's Senate State Affairs committee hearing on House Bill 1087,…
On the good side, Rep. Rev. Scott Craig (R-33/Rapid City) recognizes he's wrong about at least one thing in his school-gunslinger bill: Democrat Rep. Paula Hawks asks question about definition of "interface" with police force. Craig agrees with problem of…
Rep. Rev. Scott Craig (R-33/Rapid City) has filed his guns-in-schools bill. House Bill 1087 is a mealy-mouthed local-control masquerade which opens the door for gun nuts to bully their local school boards into affirming their gun worship at the expense…
Republican pastor Scott Craig is running for one of the House seats in District 33, which covers a swath of North Rapid City, reaches north to Black Hawk and Summerset, and reaches west into the Hills to Lakes Sheridan and…
Isn't one pastor in Pierre enough? The Secretary of State lists Scott W. Craig of Rapid City as a Republican candidate for District 33 House. Could that be Pastor Scott Craig, pal of Rapid City radical right-wingnut Gordon Howie? If…