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Posts tagged as “Sioux Falls”

DENR Fines, EPA Sues John Morrell for Water, Air Pollution

There goes big government again, forcing us consumers to pay more for our hot dogs. South Dakota's Department of Environment and Natural Resources has fined John Morrell & Company $44,079 for violating its surface water discharge permit. The Sioux Falls…

Hiding Homan’s Contract Gets No Traction with Governor, Legislators

Call Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget "half-assed," and he appears unlikely to forget. Following the Sioux Falls School District's law-stretching decision to hide superintendent Pam Homan's five-year, gold-plated contract from the teaxpayers, Governor Daugaard's office is making pretty clear that Homan's…

Sioux Falls Hides Superintendent’s Five-Year Contract from Taxpayers

Sioux Falls isn't looking so shiny lately. Mayor Huether is making City Hall look more like the Führerhauptquartiere. And the Sioux Falls School District is making a joke of open records laws. Josh Verges reports that the Sioux Falls School…

2010 Personal Income Up, But Growth Lagging in Sioux Falls

Hey, Sioux Falls! Get your personal income growth back in gear! According to the latest data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, personal income in the Sioux Falls metro area (Minnehaha, McCook, Turner, and Lincoln counties) grew 1.6% in 2010,…

Noem and Boehner Plan Minnehaha Country Club Breakfast August 18

Hey, South Dakota conservatives! Unhappy with Congresswoman Kristi Noem and her boss, Speaker John Boehner, over the really rotten and arguably unconstitutional debt deal they rushed through Congress this week? Here's your chance to give both Noem and Boehner a…