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Posts tagged as “women”

HB 1162: Sex-Selective Abortion Ban Compels Speech, Survives Committee

I thought Senate Health and Human Services' deadlock on House Bill 1162, the sex-selective-abortion ban, offered us some hope for rational restraint on anti-abortion laws in the South Dakota Legislature. I should have known better than to get optimistic. Concerns…

HB 1180: More Anti-Abortion Ideology over Expertise and Respect for Women

House Bill 1180 is an anti-child, anti-woman, anti-knowledge bill masquerading under the guise of fairness. This bill, now just one vote away from heading to Governor Dennis Daugaard's desk, makes South Dakota's bad abortion restrictions even worse by prohibiting organizations…

HCR 1005: Apply 5th, 14th Amendments to Fetuses, Deny Women’s Choice

Abortion makes its first appearance in the Legislative hopper as Rep. Stace Nelson (R-19/Fulton) files House Concurrent Resolution 1005, which exhorts Congress and the President to bestow Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights to fetuses: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION, Urging Congress and…

Nazi Scum Promotes Annette Bosworth and White Power — Yeesh!

Fascists and Communists are supposed to be a fiercer ideological grudge match than Republicans versus Democrats. But Che Guevara disciple Annette Bosworth is winning the endorsement of Nazi-loving white supremacist Jason R. Baran. Baran tweets Fox News's Megyn Kelly and…

Hickey Rattles Sanford’s Cage-Fighting

Senator Dan Lederman (R-16/Dakota Dunes) thinks mixed martial arts is #1: Yes, we love us a good night of T & A-kicking. And we love voting for legislation that expands opportunities for businesses in which we invest. Rep. Steve Hickey…

Stace Nelson Threatens Total Abortion Ban, Except by Rare Judge’s Order

Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Rick Weiland wants to focus on the economy, health care, and corporations' anti-democratic domination of politics. He doesn't think social issues will be a big issue in the 2014 election. Republican candidate for U.S. Senate…