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Posts tagged as “women”

Daugaard, Mork Abort Skydive

Governor Dennis Daugaard came to Madison yesterday to skydive with local Dairy Queen mogul DeLon Mork. The jump plane buzzed around Lake County (including a surveillance pass over Madville Times World Headquarters on the west side of Lake Herman) for…

Texas Troopers Take Tampons from Citizens at Legislature, Green-Light Guns

Margaret Atwood couldn't have written this, because it's too absurd to be believed. Facing vigorous public protest over the Texas Legislature's railroading of draconian abortion restrictions, Texas state troopers searched visitors to the Texas state capitol yesterday and confiscated tampons,…

Virginia Crisis Pregnancy Centers Peddle Myths about Abortion

Here in South Dakota, we celebrate liberty this week by taking away more of women's liberty to make their own health decisions. Yesterday, we expanded our already draconian restrictions on abortion by excluding holidays and weekends from the 72-hour waiting…

Bosworth Wants Mandatory Birth Control?

Ah! Of course Annette Bosworth is a Republican. She and her husband want government to control women's reproductive choices: How do I add the fact that women are at risk so long term birth control should be mandated [Chad Haber,…

More Moms Want to Work; Dads Still Not Viewed as Good Cookie Makers

South Dakota's 2006 gay-marriage ban has coincided with a drop our marriage rate and an increase in the rate of births to unwed moms. Nationally, the recession has coincided with another shift in family values. Pew Research finds that moms…

What Seth Tupper Said

My friend Jana is lit up over what Seth Tupper said. The Mitchell Daily Republic editor tells Stephanie Herseth Sandlin not to run in 2014, and Jana smells sexism. Let's give Seth a close reading and run the sexism check.…