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Posts published in August 2011

Perry Parades Pretentious Patriotic Piety

Texas Governor Rick Perry got 20,000 people together in a football stadium yesterday to watch him pray. Organizers of the the daylong "Response" urged followers to "bring bibles and fast," which is the most succinct summary ever of Republican fiscal…

Madville Times Comment Nymity: Empowering or Overpowering?

Regular readers know how I feel about anonymity in blog comment sections. I have tried to foster a community in which individuals recognize they should not fear putting their names to their public exercise of their First Amendment rights. That's…

Keystone XL Lobbyists Resort to Fake Twitter Accounts

When you have to lie to support your case, you don't deserve to win. Big industry backers of the Keystone XL pipeline appear to be doing just that. Brant Olson of The Understory discovered a slew of Twitter accounts that…

Noem and Boehner Plan Minnehaha Country Club Breakfast August 18

Hey, South Dakota conservatives! Unhappy with Congresswoman Kristi Noem and her boss, Speaker John Boehner, over the really rotten and arguably unconstitutional debt deal they rushed through Congress this week? Here's your chance to give both Noem and Boehner a…

Madison Dairy Queen Miracle Treat Day Goal: 25,000 Blizzards

Miracle Treat Day is coming up next week on Thursday, August 11. The Madison Dairy Queen is aiming to raise more money through Blizzard sales for the Children's Miracle Network than any other Dairy Queen anywhere. The Madison Dairy Queen…

Lake Area Improvement Corporation Breaks State Law on Financial Reports

In discussing the Lake Area Improvement Corporation's begging for public dollars, I have previously cited state statute that empowers the county to obtain and review financial records of any non-profit organization receiving county funds. Here is the statute in question,…

Tony Post, SDGOP Ignore Dissatisfaction with Noem, Obsess over SHS

Minnesota transplant Tony Post has a problem. The South Dakota GOP that he now directs faces unrest from arch-conservatives who see that Congresswoman Kristi Noem is not one of them. Those grouchy Tea-flavored voters, the ones who flew Noem's banner…