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Posts tagged as “blogs”

Love Note to Commenters: Great Work!

Russ Olson can't take credit for Mount Rushmore; I can't take credit for intelligent blog commenters. Dear readers, thank you for a great day of commenting. In the last 18 hours, 22 of you have posted over 50 comments.(Just for…

Gordon Howie Creates Fake Blogroll as Wingnut Echo Chamber

Poor Gordon Howie. He has to auction off half of his ranch this month to pay off the taxes he dodged. (Ah! That must be why DWC got its conservative undies in a bunch when I mentioned that paying taxes…

Blog Fail: War College Calls Taxpayers Unpatriotic

Who ate the post, the server or Pat? Yesterday Mr. Crissman decided to insult taxpayers across the country on Dakota War College by declaring that "Paying Taxes Is NOT Patriotic." The post made so little sense that I got the…

Ring That Tip Jar! Contribute to the Madville Times!

Hey, before Steve Jarding sucks up all the progressive oxygen in South Dakota with the new and epic South Dakota Alliance for Progress e-paper, The Antidote, I figure it can't hurt to remind you, dear readers, of the Madville Times…

Rep. Stricherz Digs Web Openness, Starts Legislative Blog

My own District 8 Senator Russell Olson still won't let me follow his Majority Leader Twitter feed. Fine. Poop on him. Who needs 140-character doses of GOP spin when I can get full blog interactivity from District 8's other Republican…

KELO Blogs Dead — Long Live the Blogs!

For over three years, a hardy corps of South Dakota bloggers have contributed commentary to the KELO website, under the current heading "Issues Blogs." I've done my part to contribute some Madville Times content, usually one a day, for no…