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Posts tagged as “deficit”

Faux Tea Candidate Rounds Crushed by Good Deficit News

The Tea Party Express has endorsed Mike Rounds as a real conservative who can "get out-of-control spending under control." HA HA HA ha ha ha ha ha ha—HA HA HA ha ha ha ha! O.K. Fine. Rounds is Tea Party.…

Bosworth Goes Soft on Illegal Immigration: Amnesty with Conditions?

Illegitimate U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth is working her donors again, adopting a Tea Party meme comparing food stamp recipients to animals. She doesn't really believe that; she's just looking for liberal media outrage to fuel her image as some…

Don’t Sweat Deficit: Job Creation Should Be Job #1

Lynne Hix DiSanto and other red-meat Republican candidates call for "no deficit spending." Rep. Kristi Noem makes the deficit the centerpiece of her public slideshows. Yet that budget absolutism hamstrings Republicans' ability to focus on solving more urgent problems, like…

Finance Prof Finds Six Conservative Economic Arguments Mostly Wrong

If you're feeling economical this fine summer morning, read finance professor Noah Smith's evaluation of six major conservative arguments about the 2007–2009 recession and the recovery. Smith finds all six mostly wrong: Fannie, Freddie, and the Community Reinvestment Act caused…

Noem to Vote to Increase Deficit Tomorrow

Thump. Thump. Thump. Rep. Kristi Noem continues to thunk her noggin against the wall of good sense. She will vote for the 37th time to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The vote will have no impact on…

Noem Wrong on Budget: Revenues Low, Deficit Mostly from Recession

Rep. Kristi Noem justifies the GOP's destructive fiscal policy with this inaccurate statement: We’ve got more federal revenue coming into our coffers this year than we ever have in history. We haven’t seen a dramatic downfall in tax receipts or…