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Posts tagged as “Kristi Noem”

Kristi Noem Hates Art, Still Losing Tea Base

Congresswoman Kristi Noem can't make anyone happy. The day after her fellow Republican Dennis Daugaard proudly told a crowd of artists in Pierre that he supports extending the half-penny tourism tax (i.e., increasing the tax burden visitor-related businesses could have…

Sunday Potpourri: Daugaard’s Recession, Noem’s Hair…

Even my lovely wife says I have too many tabs open on my browser (current count: 19). Time to clear the queue! Here's the South Dakota news I'm reading about: David Chicoine, president of my noble alma mater South Dakota…

Kristi Noem, CPAC Socrates

Best quote from Congresswoman Kristi Noem's "comfortably delivered" speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference yesterday: And a lot of us freshman [sic] don't have a whole lot of knowledge... ...about the way that Washington, D.C. is operated. —Rep. Kristi…

Republicans Struggle with Transparency

Republicans are struggling with the concept of transparency in Washington and in Pierre. Speaker John Boehner and the House GOP, for instance, have been having trouble keeping their promise to open up the legislative process: For example, Boehner and his…

Kristi Noem Justifies Government Health Insurance, Massive Government Spending

Kristi Noem, Snow-Job Queen (click for tiara—photo credit: Hardin's Photography) Eager reader and fellow citizen Greg Olson submits for the record Congresswoman Kristi Noem's official response on why she's perfectly comfortable taking government-supported health care while trying to take it…

Noem Supports More Subsidies, Big Government

Jim Bolin gets my respect this morning, but not Kristi Noem. Our Congresswoman continues to betray the conservative princples she parroted to get elected. Exhibit 1: rural airport subsidies. Noem pretends she's all for the free market, but when the…

Health Care Repeal Would Hammer Rural America

Alternative Headline: Noem Hates Small Towns! Congresswoman Kristi Noem's only achievement so far is following Speaker Boehner in holding a symbolic vote on repealing health care reform. She's awfully proud of keeping this promise to do nothing. And thank goodness…

Kristi Noem Quiet on Crop Insurance Waste and Fraud

The Los Angeles Times reports on efforts to root out waste, fraud, and profiteering in the federal crop insurance program. The program ballooned, thanks to insurance industry lobbying and federal rules that make it tough for farmers to go without…