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Posts tagged as “Kristi Noem”

HB 1054: Now That Kristi’s Gone…

Congresswoman Noem, pay attention: your former colleagues in the South Dakota State Legislature are threatening your pocketbook. HB 1054 would jack up the penalty for failure to appear: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to increase the amount that the…

Kristi Noem Flip-Flops on Ryan Budget

Way back during the 2010 primary, in a live online chat with Kevin Woster on Mount Blogmore, candidate Kristi Noem cited her strong support of Congressman Paul Ryan's budget roadmap, a signal Tea-flavored Republicans would reasonably read as a signal…

Kristi Noem Tells Tea Party to Simmer Down

If conservatives were hoping for a Kris-Tea Party, they might be disappointed. South Dakota's lone Congresswoman, Kristi Noem, is telling Teabag gripers to simmer down: Some tea party activists also fear their newly elected allies will weaken or break promises…

Sunday Potpourri: Seats, Stress, Scores….

Start a new Legislative session, and I'm bound to miss some other news. Among stories of note this week: Citizen Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is taking a seat on the governing board of the Innovation Campus in Brookings, the town she…

Not Breaking: Noem Loves Gov’t Health Insurance

Or: Kristi Supports Government Takeover of Her Health Care Why am I not surprised? Rep. Kristi Noem demonstrates further hypocrisy and incoherence by accepting government-supported health insurance for herself and her family while trying to take away federal protections of…

Republicans Hurt Construction Jobs, Stocks

Speaking of job-killing legislation: House Republicans — despite urging by Democrats, businesses and even members of their own party — didn't change some provisions in their rules package that could jeopardize transportation funding and building trades jobs. Democratic Reps. Joe…

SB 43 Writes Health Care Reform into SD Law

As we wait for John Boehner and the GOP to decide it's o.k. to resume yelling about socialism and the "total destruction of our constitutional republic" that they must undo by repealing health insurance reform, the South Dakota Legislature faces…

Boehner, Noem, GOP to Play Repeal Game Next Week

Representative-Elect Kristi Noem will get her first chance to grandstand on her campaign promise to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act next week. Noem's GOP bosses will bring the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" to a…