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Posts tagged as “religion”

Perry Parades Pretentious Patriotic Piety

Texas Governor Rick Perry got 20,000 people together in a football stadium yesterday to watch him pray. Organizers of the the daylong "Response" urged followers to "bring bibles and fast," which is the most succinct summary ever of Republican fiscal…

Pledge of Allegiance: Socialist Propaganda, Marketing Ploy…

...and since Eisenhower, affirmation of existence of God. I submitted a response yesterday to Dakota War College's mistaken praise of the Pledge of Allegiance. My nefarious links to Wikipedia apparently triggered the moderation filter, and apparently no one has checked…

Herman Cain Stokes Anti-Muslim Paranoia

Herman Cain. Bigoted. Imprudent. Idiotic: Presidential candidate Herman Cain has reiterated his position that any Muslim serving in his administration would be forced to take a loyalty test with this statement: "That's not discrimination. It's called trying to protect the…

Real Hubris: Cain, Santorum, Bachmann Claim Divine Right

The right-wingnuts like to manufacture quips about President Barack Obama's purported hubris. Correct me if my memory fails, but I don't recall Barack Obama ever claiming that God told him to run for President. Right-wingnut favorites Herman Cain, Rick Santorum,…

Yanktonians Against Opt-Out Hire Notorious Anti-Public School Propagandist

Various blog friends have told me yesterday's "100 Eyes on S.D. Politics" program, sponsored by that Sioux Falls paper, opined that the South Dakota blogosphere doesn't matter much. Fourteen hours later, rising South Dakota blogospherian Displaced Plainsman breaks the story…

Fear-Based Marketing Sullies National Day of Prayer

Ed Randazzo reminds me that Cinco de Mayo is also National Day of Prayer. The 7th U.S. Circuit recently threw out a lawsuit against the Presidentially proclaimed event, saying Americans who feel alienated by violations of the separation of church…

Don Kopp Says End Is Nigh

...the end of Kopp's election victories? Now there's a pleasnat dream.... Speaking of conservatives who are really bad at predictions, State Representative and vasectomy survivor Don Kopp reads the Bible and unspecified Bush Administration documents and concludes that we'll see…