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Posts published in February 2015

Noem Offers More Definite Political Signal than Johnson

Brendan Johnson, alas, is changing jobs. Kristi Noem, alas, is not. Tony Mangan at KCCR runs two stories of nearly identical and minimal news value on the non-intentions of U.S. Attorney, soon-to-be-just-Citizen Johnson and Congresswoman Noem to run for the…

Bosworth Legal Defense Fund Extension of Campaign, Subject to FEC Rules?

KELO-TV's Perry Groten points out that Annette Bosworth's recent legal defense fundraising pitch is delusional. But might her fundraising letters also violate federal campaign finance law? Bosworth has sent letters to supporters from her Senate campaign asking them to help…

Surrounded! Conservative Religious Activists Drive Discourse in Pierre

During my visit to the Capitol Wednesday, I found myself surrounded by the Religious Right. Concerned Women for America, Family Policy Council, Family Heritage Alliance... and those are just the three I encountered in my brief intersection with the right…

Craig, Stalzer Insult Students for Lobbying Well to Beat Campus Gun Bill

The South Dakota House showed a little common sense yesterday and killed House Bill 1206, which would have allowed individuals to carry concealed weapons on our public university campuses. But some Republicans couldn't let that happen without exposing their contempt…

Smokeout! Kaiser Demands Ed Cmte Send Common Core Repeal to House Floor

Surprise! Just when you thought the Legislature was done debating Common Core, Rep. Dan Kaiser (R-3/Aberdeen) pulls a smoke-out! On Wednesday, House Education killed House Bill 1223, which seeks to end South Dakota's involvement with Common Core and related multistate…

Frerichs Gets Senate Approval for Watershed Management Bill

Senator Jason Frerichs (D-1/Wilmot) got the Senate to advance his watershed management plan yesterday. Senate Bill 2, while significantly watered down, is a positive step toward dealing with drainage and other water quality issues in South Dakota. In its baby-steps…