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Posts tagged as “Annette Bosworth”

Arrest Warrant Issued for Annette Bosworth

I told you so. Former South Dakota Senate Candidate Dr. Annette Bosworth was informed at 9:28am this morning by Sgt. Jason Gearman of the Minnehaha Sheriff’s office that a warrant had been issued for her arrest by Attorney General Marty…

Joel Arends on Bosworth: She’s Not Crazy!

There goes the insanity defense.... Lawyer Joel Arends, the Sisyphus trapped on the mountain of fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth's woes, just rolled a boulder at David Lias. The Vermillion Plain Talk editor published a punishing non-endorsement Saturday, urging…

Bosworth Ad Supporter Used Maiden Name to Commit Petition Fraud

While illegitimate Senate candidate Annette Bosworth plays Hobo Joe, moping on a train car about God giving her a gift and then taking it away (Bad God! Capricious God! Kinda makes you want to pitch all this God fakery and…

Vermillion Editor: Don’t Vote for Unstable Bosworth

In a blunt non-endorsement, Vermillion Plain Talk editor David Lias summarizes why the South Dakota Republican Party tells South Dakota Republican voters to spare their party grave embarrassment and not vote for fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth. Lias contends…