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Posts tagged as “Democrats”

Can SD Dems Find a Leader Like Warren?

An eager reader insists that I'm leading my Dems astray encouraging a leftward, liberal shift. I maintain that I'm just urging Democrats to be Democrats. I'm telling them to pick for party chair a real progressive populist—a bridge-builder, not a…

State Democratic Party Reviewing Midterm Failure, Building 2016 Plan

South Dakota Democrats, take heart! I know, you're going to get sick of me saying that, but hey: if you can't stand dogged optimism, you're reading the wrong blog. Two grassroots effort to restore South Dakota Democratic fortunes have bubbled…

Pennington Democrats Chairman Falls for Republican Narrative

GOP spin doctor Pat Powers cobbles together an argument that South Dakota Democrats are still too liberal to win elections. He doesn't say one word about the actual ideological positions of any Democrat on the 2014 ballot; he just repeats…