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Posts tagged as “Democrats”

South Dakota Democrats: How We Lost 2014, How We Win 2016

The GOP spin machine, not content to simply celebrate victory, spikes the ball in our faces by hurling false insults my way. Pat Powers tells his giddy readers that I have nothing to say about the election. Really, Pat? Really?…

Steve Hickey Pitches Democratic Credentials in District 9

In the Odd Duck Department, if it waddles like a Democrat and quacks like a Democrat, it's a Democrat, right? Nope—it's Sioux Falls Republican and Reverend Representative Steve Hickey! Rep. Rev. Hickey says he sent this flyer to every Democrat…

Ugly, Negative, and True: Weiland Wrong to Reject DSCC Help

Finally, Rick Weiland and I have something we can disagree on. Our Democratic candidate for Senate is telling Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee to pull their ads against Mike Rounds. In a Monday press release,…

Tyler Pokes the Bear, Mocks Big-Money Attack Ads

Rep. Kathy Tyler (D-4/Big Stone City) isn't taking the deceptive big-money PAC attacks lying down. She shows Democrats that when the negative ads come, you hit right back: Rep. Tyler is referring to the big money a new PAC called…